"Groundhog Day" on repeat, winter chills, festivals and la dolce vita
Its 4 June 2023 as I type this - how on earth did that happen? For me it feels as though it was Easter a few days ago and now we are halfway through the year; and in South Africa its winter woolies, hot chocolate, log fires together with reduced daylight hours while in the norther hemisphere its summer holidays with social media posts full of beach scenes, sunshine and long daylight days.
To compound the cooler temperatures, the sensation of "Groundhog Day" continues as we still have to navigate around loadshedding with frequent unplanned outages which are classified as not loadshedding. Close to home a pensioner died because of a lack of electricity to keep his oxygen going and a 3 year old little girl tragically also lost her life because her oxygen machine died due to loadshedding and then an extended power outage with the inverter battery dying; and these are deaths which are known about, how many lives are lost in the townships due to no electricity, lack of facilities, increasing crime and lawlessness? In a NorthWest hospital newborn babies are placed in cardboard boxes as there are no cribs. It is criminal, inhumane, against every person's human right and, for me, it is so hard to remain positive and hopeful.
After a far too long absence, I did return to the weekly Eating Disorder Anonymous meeting last Saturday and went again yesterday. It was good to be back and, for me, it is a safe, healing and hopeful environment to tackle the inner demons which cause me to devour my emotions and its always those pesky calorie-laden foodstuffs which I crave. I am trying hard to eat healthier and when I am able to, to get moving and exercising.
I continue to do service for Co-Anon too leading a few of the recent meetings and I will be leading the online meeting on Tuesday at which we are privileged to have Tristan sharing his story on the online meeting. At EDA and Co-Anon I continue to learn so much, obtaining more tools in my toolbox to cope with all the external and internal challenges.
Dinner with Zen at The Fat Zebra in Linden last Saturday evening, brief get together with Lindy, coffee and quality time with Sim and unexpectedly, and delightfully, Angie and Johan, all recent fun events and making memories with awesome people.
It was a very sad day on 30 May when the tragic news broke of the very untimely death of the larger-than-life Eusebius McKaiser, an incredible journalist, broadcaster, commentator and author who pulled no punches in pointing out the bs of all the political parties in this country. From Grahamstown, he went to Graeme College (where Morgan was from Grades 4 to 6) and to Rhodes University. I did not know him but followed him on social media and used to enjoy his programme on 702 before he left the radio station. He was very well known to many friends and my heart broke for their collective sorrow and great loss.
Festa della Repubblica was celebrated in Italy on Friday 2 June 2023 marking the 77th anniversary of Italy becoming a Republic.

This anniversary was celebrated today in Pretoria at the Italian Club with an amazing festival celebrating all things Italian.
Naturally Johan and I went along to enjoy "la dolce vita" at the Italian Club - the sun came out in celebration too and we enjoy wandering around looking at the different food stalls, enjoying aperol spritzes, demolishing a panini with porchetta (roasted pork), listening to some amazing accordion music, and so many cars, motorcycles and scooters - from Alpha Romeos to Ducatis, Vespas, Ferraris, Fiats, Maserati and Lamborghini. It was so special spending some time at the market with Wendy and Greg.

My trio of befanas - to know more about these you will have to read my debut book ;-)
There was a very smartly attired military admiral resplendent in his uniform and all the Italian military insignia and so many other sights to feast our eyes on. We enjoyed more sights at our next destination in Pretoria, Aroma Coffee Roastery which included bodyguards and luxury cars before popping in at Kath and Mark's house to personally deliver a copy of my book before heading home and a much-needed Sunday siesta!

It was great to see Morgan yesterday for a much needed haircut and I look forward to seeing Tristan soon; a great phone call with him this afternoon did alleviate my missing seeing him in person.
Book sales in South Africa have been a bit slow but yesterday they picked up.
If you are an Amazon customer, please follow my author profile and if you purchase a copy of my book via Amazon please rate and review my book as this does prove to be fruitful. Grazie mille!!
If you have read my book and are happy to give me a review I would be immensely grateful as I post this on my social media on Instagram (for my author profile) and on the book's website.
Out and about, recommendations and referrals
The Fat Zebra (Linden) - https://thefatzebra.co.za/
7 Sins Hair Studio - https://7sins.co.za/
Benitas Bakery Food & Coffee - Lifestyle Home Garden Centre, Randpark Ridge
Italian Club - 78 George Storrar Dr, Groenkloof,
Aroma Coffee Roastery - Hazelwood, Pretoria https://aromacoffee.co.za/
Boskruin Library
Dischem - as Johan and I are both suffering from sinus ailments though not the flu like poor Kath or the suspected swine flu like Riaan (its really a swine that swine flu is back trotting around again)
So proud of my lifetime friend, Peter Colyvas, who has designed and developed The Explorers Way encouraging domestic and international explorers to explore and experience the hidden treasures in the Eastern Cape
And very proud too of the lovely Lindy Venter who is venturing into the world of real estate so for all your real estate requirements in Gauteng, look no further than Lindy!

What have I been reading/are reading?
An Imperfect Blessing by Nadia Davids
What have I been watching on the small screen?
Pointless - BBC brilliant quiz show
My usual staple of "bubblegum" tv
Hotel Portfino
Bookclub, the next chapter (movie) - brilliantly funny and they go to Italy so what's not to enjoy about this delightful movie
North Shore - a very good British/Australia murder mystery
Tiny Beautiful Things - I enjoyed the audio book more than the series
The Big Swindle
What have I been listening to?
The Damage Report
Mel Robbins Podcast
Something was Wrong
What came Next
Prosecuting Donald Trump
True Crime Daily
The Trial of Lucy Letby
True Spies
Believe in Magic
Filthy Ritual
Finding Samantha
(the last 4 podcasts all fit neatly into the 'down the rabbit hole' genre)
I am about to finish listening to The Angel of Rome by Jess Walter on Audible - I have heard him interviewed on "The Bittersweet Life" podcast on a couple of occasions and this is the first time I am listening to one of his books, its a very pleasant experience.
And that's all for now - depending on the perpetual loadshedding saga, there may just be another blog post in the next week.

Blessings, light and love yesterday, today and tomorrow