Disclaimer : my blogs are my thoughts, my emotions, my experiences, my words, my feelings - I take full ownership

Its been far too long since I published a post and I do apologise. Events and life forced the unplanned hibernation from blogging but I am back and hopefully normal blogging service is now resumed with the usual t's and c's for delays which are out of my control eg loadshedding, natural disaster, general craziness in the world. On that note, don't you feel that it would be wonderful to just unplug the world, wait 5 seconds, plug the world back in again and let it all reset and hopefully restore to a far more saner stage with minimal corruption, loadshedding is an unknown phenomenon, no intense hatred of others like we are seeing, no obsession with guns, knifes, no Thabo Bester madness, no cults and just peace, tolerance, respect, gratitude, positivity and justice. Aaaah if only .......
Yesterday was Johan's birthday and it was a quiet and uneventful day as we will have his birthday celebrations after pay-day as it has been an expensive month with my book launch and Easter. I always feel guilty that Johan seems to get the cheapest deal in terms of birthday celebrations and recognition; as it is with the buy 3 and the cheapest one is free deals in the stores? I am trying to restore that equilibrium this year but Sunday, which dawned grey and cold with the sun taking about 7 hours to find the spotlight and remember to shine, was peaceful and to break the tedium of 2 x 4.5 hour loadshedding bouts I took Johan on a "mystery drive". When we pulled into the forecourt of a service station he still was clueless but parking in a parking bay and not at the pump for one of the most expensive commodities in SA, he realised we were at Pantry in Rosebank. The normal "garage shop" has been transformed into a 24/7 cornucopia of expensive imported delicacies, tasty treats, a bakery, a patisserie, you can buy a ceramic mixing bowl at 3am (only R450 - the likes of which I remember my Nana having when I was a little girl - just the other day of course!) or order a pizza, burger and chips, toasted sandwich, hot chocolate and/or soft serve ice cream. We enjoyed cappuccinos before indulging in soft serves - chocolate and vanilla for the Birthday Gent and buttercream and chocolate for me. These prices are not eye-wateringly expensive nor is the food to order (eg pizzas, burgers etc) unlike the ultra expensive "Marble" which is above Pantry and is owned by the same people or consortium (I could not say as I have never been a fan nor will be of pretentious over-priced restaurants as they are invariably disappointing if not underwhelming and if my budget did stretch there I would not go there as I have never been one to follow a trend or the herd let alone be part of the "Stepford Sandton Sheep" Brigade!).

Passover, Eid and Easter are all celebrated in April this year. Different religious observations and celebrations but all based on renewal and reflection. I really love this quote from preemptivelove.com, “For those who identify with one of these three faith traditions, the closeness of our holy days should remind us of our connection to each other—the ways in which our stories and cultures overlap.” - a beautiful gentle reminder of connections, and how we all should respect, tolerate and value each person's unique story and culture, using the opportunity of connection to learn all the while striving to be a better person. And I saw this on someone's WhatsApp status, wholeheartedly agree with it and love it "Everybody smiles in the same language" - so true and if only everyone would remember that; especially those who think they are in same way superior in terms of race, ethnicity, religion etc.
We enjoyed an Easter long weekend with various connections and gatherings and on Easter Sunday enjoyed lunch at Settebello, based at the Italian Club in Johannesburg. It was lovely to have Zen join us and we sorely missed Alyssa and Morgan who were celebrating Easter with Alyssa's family. It was a buffet 3 course fit-to-bursting meal and a lovely time was had by all of us. The "line management" for the buffet could have been managed better and, in the feedback I supplied in response to a request for same, suggested that certain food dishes be served by staff and not left to the guests to help themselves as sadly there is no accounting for greed and total lack of regard for other diners so the lamb ran out and had to be replaced by porchetta (pork); but we had a brilliant and attentive waiter who was especially caring and alert with my Mom (who is now 91) and she thrived on that extra care and dedication.

Easter 2023 at Settebello
The long awaited and anticipated day of my book launch was on Sunday, 2 April 2023. I have learnt so many lessons from publishing my debut book. Next time around a number of aspects of the entire process will be different (yes there will be another book whether or not anyone approves or not!). We chose to have a physical launch which was catered and paid for by us; we chose Super Sconto being an Italian supermarket with a lovely upstairs area (easily accessible because of a lift for my Mom with her walker and for my editor (Ian who was of course invited along with his Mom, Polly) neither of whom on the morning could not make it to the launch), delicious food and good coffee; it was the most fitting place to host my book launch. We have no regrets though it was very sad for me to have so many cancellations the morning of the book launch so while Super Sconto catered for 36 people we only had a total of 26 people in attendance. This did not help my rollercoasting emotions of nerves, anxiety, excitement, stress, mingled with an acute awareness of those I longed to have at my book launch who have gone before me my Dad and Alex Morrison, their presence was honoured by empty chairs at the launch.
Everyone who was invited was handpicked by me to be there as the space was limited as was our budget. I was (and still am) so overwhelmed and appreciative of all the phone calls and messages received from around the globe, before and after the launch. For all my fiercely loyal friends I am beyond grateful for loyalty, friendship, unconditional love, non-judgment and support.
Everyone at Super Sconto were amazing, consummate professionals and did everything to ensure that the launch was such a happy celebration and very supportive not only buying copies of my book but supporting Tristan's Exploited brand. I had suggested he bring along some of his tshirts, caps and mugs and he had great sales which is awesome. One of the managers immediately put on the tshirt he had purchased from Tristan. I even sold one copy to another customer at the Super Sconto deli and café.
To everyone who helped make the launch such a success, heartful and enormous thanks -Roxy
Lindy - thank you so much
pizza boxes
There are flaws in the book just like I am flawed - there are typographical errors, punctuation marks missing in action and, another life lesson learnt was the need for time to properly review the proof - I had a few hours on a Friday afternoon while working and I am mortified that there are the errors and flaws, I held up my hand to those at the launch (and am still holding it up taking ownership of the errors) in my little spiel and I quoted Alexander Pope "“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”
I have taken opportunity of the time to review the proof and rectify (hopefully) all the errors so the version on Amazon (hopefully on or just after 25th April) will be as perfect as possible and I am taking pre-orders for the new reprint so my boss et al will have the version sans silly typographical errors etc. From the service, catering and overwhelming support from all at Super Sconto (especially my new friend Anna), to Mike Wilter who took brilliant photos (and thanks to everyone else who took photos and shared these with me), to Richard Edwards of Beyond the Value Publishing and Turn the Page Distribution, to Lindy who not only collected the balloons from our house but went to have them filled with helium; Maure & Riaan thank you for collecting my Mom and bringing her to the launch (as well as for the beautiful bouquet of flowers); huge thanks to Roxy for the stunning orchid, to Zen who gifted me with a stunning purple pen inscribed with Strong & Courageous (THE pen I used to sign copies of my book) to all my family and everyone there, thank you, grazie mille.

The reality that I am now a published author is finally sinking in. I kept the news that I was writing a book very close to my chest so to speak so when I revealed the news of my published debut book there was great surprise, wonder, support and delight which really has blown me away. My employer CEO and Chair have been so vocal in their support and recognition; and I have been invited to do a talk at work in July. As Tristan wrote his story which is included in the book it is only fitting that he is going to be at the talk with me.
Our aim and hope is that the book helps at least one person. And if you have ordered the book and read it and would like to do me the honour of giving me a review, that would be greatly appreciated - we have added a 'Review' page on the website for the book : https://bsteynbooks.wixsite.com/rome-story
Please send me your review (good or bad) either via whatsapp or e-mail at bsteynbooks@gmail.com so I may upload your review onto the website.
Thanks to Alyssa, I now have a "business Instagram" for my author status and business - feel free to follow me here on IG if you are no already doing

Morgan and I recently had a discussion about commitment. Whether its an appointment made for a haircut or a meeting, and/or a timeous response needed to an invitation, it is sad that the "old age" sense of honouring an commitment is no more. Obviously if you suddenly contract food poisoning it is understandable that you cannot honour a commitment made, sometimes events are out of our control. But the norm seems to be that it is ok to cancel at literally the lastminute or even after the time of the appointment when you are a no-show. It is also in my view it is disrespectful and it should be remembered that respect is earned and it is a two-way street.
In the recovery support group I am part of we are reminded to not let ourselves be doormats - it is so appropriate to remember this in every aspect of life, friendships and relationships. Sadly there are times when I am only contacted when a person is going through a rough patch, there is a crisis of some form or another but while I am there safety boots, helmet, and the full survival kit, it is not reciprocated and recent personal celebrations and highlights in my life which were not even acknowledged, are a reminder to stop being a doormat.
I had the pleasure and enjoyment of finally meeting my great niece, Ada, on 30th March. I took a day's leave from work in order to take my Mom to the airport so we could meet up with Ada, her Dad and Racel, her Dad's partner. Having arrived from the UK, they had a lengthy time in transit before flying to George so it was the perfect opportunity to get together. It was the third occasion my Mom had met and been with Ada but my first. Ada is delightful. She recently celebrated her 12th birthday and is an engaging, funny, entertaining and very lovely young lady. Life is indeed about making memories and having no regrets.

Zen, Johan and I enjoyed brunch at La Vie en Rose which is a restaurant I have been wanting to experience for so long. The rain ensured we could not sit outside and enjoy the beautiful gardens but inside was cosy and comfortable; and we will return there.

In other news in the last few funny old weeks; Morgan & Alyssa had an incredible time travelling to Cape Town, around the Western Cape, Karoo including the Valley of Desolation and Nieu Bethesda and I got a lovely owl from the Owl House to join my other Owl House memorabilia

For now Mr Owl is cosied up to my Vietnamese animals which Morgan gave me when he returned from Vietnam some years ago
Congratulations and celebrations to Skye who graduated on Wednesday, 12 April with her BA Psych degree - we are SO very proud of her; what an amazing achievement !!

Out and about, recommendations and referrals
La Vie & Rose - https://lavieenrose.co.za/
Super Sconto - http://www.supersconto.co.za/
Doppio Zero, Greenside - https://doppio.co.za/restaurant/greenside/
The Dog Box - https://dog-box.co.za/ (for Cinnamon, Elmo and Jack's grooming requirements)
What have I been reading/are reading?
The Secrets of the Notebook by Eve Haas - “The beautiful owner of this book is dearer to me than my life – August your protector.” This one sentence was the key to a mystery involving some of the greatest and most infamous figures in European history, from Frederick the Great to Napoleon and Hitler—and solved by the author of this book (https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/6521546) This true story is remarkable and I am not surprised there is / will be a movie based on this incredible historical story.
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doer
What have I been watching on the small screen?
Pointless - BBC brilliant quiz show
My usual staple of "bubblegum" tv
Rabbit Hole - fascinating, mind-bending action drama thriller
Daisy Jones & The Six - incredible series which had been raging at the lead (Daisy Jones) to experiencing very different emotions at the end; will not divulge more; its a Reese Witherspoon production and is based on the book by the same title which is loosely based on Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac. I liked the format of the production and the music was brilliant.
"A Million Little Things"
What have I been listening to?
The Damage Report
Mel Robbins Podcast
Something was Wrong
What came Next
Sounds like a Cult
The Turning - Room of Mirrors
Cover Up - Ministry of Secrets
Heart of the Matter
And on Audible, "Tiny Beautiful Things" by Cheryl Strayed - I have the tv series of the same name (again a Reese Witherspoon masterpiece) but want to finish listening to the book before watching the tv series.

Let’s get Sexy in YOUR skin this winter 🔥
The 8 week winter challenge is HERE!!
May & June are the months to get you in shape & feeling good!!
There are a limited 20 slots available so time is of the essence!!
We start on the 1st of May!!
DM me NOW to book your slot.
PLUS you have the chance of walking away with an incredible hamper to the value of R5800,00!!
To secure your in on the winter challenge , please use the below account details, and use your contact number as the reference (kindly also send Alyssa a pop screenshot via WhatsApp - 072 372 4771):
Account Holder: AMPM Fitness
Account Type: Current Account
Discovery Bank
Branch Code: 679000
Account Number: 14972952630
Amount: R 1 499,00

And never stop being anything other than AMAZING!!!!
Ciao Belle Gente!