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My Funny Old Two Weeks : 30 January to 12 February 2023

Writer's picture: beehelm0410beehelm0410

Life imitating art, bowling, celebrations, reunions and torrential rain

Due to me working hard at life imitating art and being a Walking Talking Imitation of Basil Fawlty of the 70's sitcom hit, Fawlty Towers, my blog post had to be paused in an attempt to practise some self-care. Having started with the assault of the full 2 litre bottle of coca cola, I kept hurting my right arm and shoulder not because I am into masochist type behaviour. It evolved due to wanting to just be an active participant in life and because I am a right hand dominant.

We were celebrating Skye's birthday on Saturday, 4 February 2023 as it was the best time to have a celebrating for Skye even though her birthday was on 24 January. I baked the birthday cake in two separate baking sessions on the Friday navigating around loadshedding, my first Italian tutor session of 2023 and could not have managed it without Johan's amazing help with the baking process and the icing process of the vanilla and caramel cake. I wanted to attempt the "naked icing" look and could not achieved it without valuable input and guidance from Wendy and Johan's icing the cake as this was simply a mission impossible with me being something of an one-armed bandit.

Skye's birthday cake topped with caramel popcorn, caramel creams with a filling of caramel and cream

Growing up you could only get caramel when you boiled a tin of condensed milk for about 3 hours in a pressure cooker, now you can buy it ready made in a tin - what a pleasure and so much easier. I was so chuffed with the end result of the cake as it certainly fitted the picture I had in my mind - hard to transpose that thought and unseen picture to Johan but he aced the icing and he has so much patience and tolerance; no matter the madcap idea I have he is able to manifest those ideas. He is definitely a keeper!

We celebrated Skye's birthday by going 10 pin bowling which I have been wanting to do for so long but now was going with an injured arm and shoulder but I am stubborn and determined. We delivered the cake to the restaurant where we were to have dinner on route to the bowling as it would not have kept in the cake in the heat and humidity - we were getting ready to start the bowling competition, taking our shoes off etc and I taking off my sandals had a momentary misstep and almost lost my balance so as one does, put out my right arm to stabilise my "Wobbly Woman" moment - bad mistake!! My arm felt as though it was being ripped out of its socket and I almost became airborne - yes history was nearly made with the first flying Wobbly Woman! I really tried to bowl like most people who do 10 pin bowling do but after jarring my arm so bad with resultant pain and tears, I had to do my best geriatric imitation squatting and throwing the ball with both hands - I did manage a strike talk about the fluke of the century! After the first game which was won by Skye, I bowed out and the family took turns in playing in my place. Alyssa won the second game - talk about women power!!! So proud of both these beautiful women.

Lambruscos was the next stop in the birthday celebrations - we had a lovely table on the verandah/patio of the restaurant and we had a really great time. Service was good, Johan and I shared a great pizza and Tristan really enjoyed his fish but sadly not all the food was as on par and so many of the menu items ended their descriptions "with a splash of white wine!" Not great for people who cannot drink alcohol even if the potency is lost in the cooking process, for those observing a completely sober way of life not even drinking non-alcoholic beer (for example) this is a big NO and the NO which is a complete sentence. The birthday cake was presented with singing Happy Birthday to Skye and Raphael, the owner who came to congratulate Skye on her birthday, joined us to enjoy his slice of cake. We also distributed a number of slices amongst the restaurant staff ensuring Skye had some cake to take home with her and we took a slice for my Mom/Nana. Johan and I ended up having coffee with Raphael who regaled us with his life story and how he immigrated to South Africa with his family when he was 10 years old - he is now 70. It was interesting talking to him and we will return to Lambrusco's as we do enjoy the pizza.

Morgan and Alyssa - matching tshirts and bowling balls

Proof of Skye's winning the first set / game - forgive the lack of correct bowling lingo!

It was really an amazing evening and the following morning we went to breakfast with my Mom before going to explore a "pre-loved market" at Delta Park. Johan loves collecting vintage playing cards and we thought there might be a chance he may found a deck or two at the park but no such luck, unfortunately. We did meet a South African comedian "celebrity" Chris Forrest who has diversified and is making and selling bacon jam, meat rubs and funny braai themed tshirts and caps. We bought a jar of his bacon jam and it is delicious - apologies to those who do not eat bacon; any offence is completely unintentional.

You know those moments in life when you say - if I had left 5 minutes earlier or later I would not have had to swerve to avoid an idiot driver; or in the case of a friend of mine driving to the World Trade Centre on the morning of 9/11, to a meeting, he got a call his Dad had suffered a heart attack so he had the cab turn around and take him straight to the airport to get a flight to Texas thereby missing the attack on the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre. Leaving the park I took a road different to the one we had driven to the park and we passed a house where there was a large cross-chow dog was standing outside the house. Of course we turned around and Johan leapt out of the car to check the dog's credentials but there were none - no collar, no form of identification (well unless he was microchipped which we obviously could not check for) but he seemed to be standing outside his house and kept going to the gate hoping it would magically open. Sadly there was no "open sesame" moment and Johan's continual ringing of the intercom elicited no response from within the property. I phoned the security company as there was signage of the wall advertising the property was protected by an armed response company - I thought they might be able to collect the dog and take it to their offices and keep it there (another security firm does do that and has kennels for lost and found dogs). The security guard arrived and he did phone the owner who advised that "there is nothing I can do about it" - going to the neighbours was a futile attempt and all I achieved was almost tripping up and jarring my right arm again!! (By this stage I was envisaged being encased in bubble wrap for my own safety from myself!) It was after midday on a very hot and sunny day and the poor dog was panting and drooling. Attempts to get him/her/ it into our car to take it to a 24 hour vet were unsuccessful; even some bacon jam on Johan's finger did not tempt the poor dog and in order to avoid possible injury to Johan and/or the dog, we left the dog there and drove to the closest shopping centre where we bought the cheapest plastic bowl we could find at The Crazy Store along with a big bottle of water at the supermarket and retraced our steps. Upon returning to the "scene of the dog neglect and distress" we found another Good Samaritan on the phone to the security company - it was so close to a step-by-step repeat of our previous attempts, she thought we were the owners, a notion we quickly corrected. The poor dog was so happy to have a bowl of water and thirstily drank the water Johan put into the bowl for him. The Good Samaritan told us that the security company had again phoned the owner who said "Oh he does this all the time and he must will stay there; he is fine". We begged to differ - someone might have managed to steal this beautiful creature especially if he became dehydrated and disorientated; dehydrated and disorientation could have resulted in him being knocked over , etc - we eventually had to concede there was nothing more we could do, the Good Samaritan was en route to walk her dogs in the park and said she would check on the cross-chow displaced dog on her way back from the park and we returned home. It broke our hearts with this very real case of animal neglect and disregard; some people really should not be allowed to have any animal as a pet not even a mosquito.

I did venture out again this time to Morgan and Alyssa so Alyssa could strap my shoulder and arm which I was so grateful to have done; and Monday I braved the physio. The verdict being I have damaged my rotator cuff and have nerve damage. I was strapped up again; so I am rocking this semi-strapped, bandaged "mummified" look and was disappointed that my appointment on Thursday was cancelled as the physio was sick - I go again on Tuesday and am girding my loins; the day after the physio was painful and she did warn me but it has to be done to heal and repair. Its frustrating and annoying; I cannot sleep on my right side and feel very limited but trying to reign in the frustration and not try any more antics (eg 10 pin bowling) and practicing self-care on myself and my body.

Work is always intense and pressurised so nothing new or earth-shatteringly different on that respect in the last fortnight. I was very heartsore to bid adieu to Jessica, former colleague who will be jetting off to her married life in London finally having a proper home and family life with her husband and daughter. We will see each other before she leaves and I was so honoured and privileged to be invited to her wedding in March in Stellenbosch but sadly had to decline. I was spoilt with a beautiful spoon-rest from Holland by Anika, another friend and colleague who enjoyed visiting some European countries and cities after Christmas and into 2023. Another beautiful strong and fierce woman who has made such a positive impact on my life and work life.

I resumed my one-on-one weekly Italian lessons with Giancarlo (online) on Friday, 3 February after a very long hiatus. I was nervous and feeling as rusty as a rusted old bucket despite my daily lessons on Duolingo but he was very impressed with my vocabulary, my verbs and clearly he thought he would have to start again with me but was pleased he did not have to. Thanks to the general incompetency of the electricity suppliers and infrastructure in South Africa, this last Friday's lesson had to be postponed as we had a power outage at 10.30am and the power supply was only restored at 9.45pm that evening for 15 whole minutes before loadshedding kicked in. Having lost my sense of humour and mojo, I just went to bed. Its far too depressing, frustrating, negative and everything bleak and dismal to even venture down the black hole of the Eskom capture and disaster. I am lucky that I could relocate to my Mom's to work; charge our home UPS power supply to keep our wifi going etc - Johan was at the office so he was not affected and got an uber from work to my Mom's and we eventually powerless we returned to our dark and powerless home.

Torrential rains on Saturday caused me to stay home missing both support meetings I had planned to attend. I had no inclination to attempt to swim or sail to either of the meetings instead opting for a mid-morning nap after my breakfast and taking my painkillers. My eldest brother, Nick arrived to heavy rainfall and minimal visibility on the highway so he missed the turning and ended up on the highway to Midrand and Pretoria before he could turn around and head in the right direction. Thankfully he eventually safely arrived at my Mom's and phoned me to announce his arrival - he left a very dry UK (for a change) to come here to all the rain rain and more rain and loadshedding. We had an amazing reunion today gathering today as a family for Sunday lunch at La Cucina di Ciro in Parktown North.

In my last blog post I recounted our reconnaissance visit and breakfast at Herbland to survey the territory there in terms of ease of access for my Mom and her mobility challenges; the plan was that we would partake of the family reunion lunch there today but the weather was so bad yesterday and it did not bode well for today's lunch so I made an executive decision cancelling our reservation and booking at La Cucina di Ciro. Despite today being dry and at times the sun attempting to make an appearance, the best decision was made and we can visit Herbland another time maybe for my Mom's 91st birthday in March or in August / September when Nick is planning to return this time with Pat, his wife and my sister-in-law.

When I phoned to make the reservation, I asked for a table in a quiet area as my Mom battles with a very noisy environment. Our lovely waitress, who I spoke to when I made the reservation, organised a separate room for us where the other 2 tables in the room were not booked and were not occupied at all so we had an entire room to ourselves which felt so private. Service was superior, the food is always sublime and today was no exception and it was a truly special and memorable time together as a family and lunch. I have not been to Ciro's restaurant for far too many years but was thrilled that nothing had changed in terms of the excellence of the food, the standard of service and care, and Ciro walking around to all the tables to talk to all the guests.

Loved these beautiful wire sculptures in the outside area at La Cucina di Ciro

I was intrigued by these woven baskets hanging in the grapevine which we could view from the window of our "private dining room" - they are bird feeders

I love these artworks which were hanging in our "private dining room" - apologies for the reflection

We only have these photos of our food, the dolce - desserts - Johan's ricotta cheesecake and my pavlova; I am so predictable when it comes to anything with meringue. Nick and Alyssa shared crepes which apparently tasted as amazing as they looked.

I am Pavlov's dog when it comes to Pavlova and if the reference to Pavlov's dog is a mystery, here you go :

I first got to know Ciro no long after arriving in Johannesburg in the latter part of 2001. He did private catering and branched out into having a small deli and eatery in Parktown North (not where is now located); it was tiny and the restaurant was only open 3 nights a week if I remember correctly. My first boss in Jo'burg, the male version of the female boss in the movie, The Devil Wears Prada, used to frequent Ciro's a lot and used him to cater for his dinner parties at home and he is someone who is very hard to please so his support of Ciro means his catering and food is of the finest quality and standard. The restaurant in Parktown North expanded into the shop next door before he moved to his current location and his wife has a tea room / cafe / tea garden adjacent to the restaurant.

Johan's ricotta cheesecake

Eyes roll so hard you can hear them roll when I mention the customary family photo but its vital with our grasp on life being so precarious, we have experienced how life changes in a heartbeat and its essential to document precious memorable moments.

And in other news ..... Tristan's side hustle, Exploited Clothing, has already achieved its vision and mission of sponsoring an addict enabling the addict to receive much needed treatment at a treatment facility.

Congratulations Tristan we are all so proud of you and how you are being of service not only in your daily full-time work but with Exploited Clothing - you are the epitome of Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk!!

I will end with this heartwarming story which I hope you will all read and watch the video in the story - it brought me so much joy and delight.

Where I have been in the last 2 weeks (not many places) - My personal tips and spots around Jo'burg -

  • La Cucina di Ciro - 43 7th Ave, Parktown North, Johannesburg, 2193 - their website seems to be under construction at the moment but they are on Facebook and Instagram

  • Natasha Elias and Bronwyn Leigh Physiotherapists - +27 82 699 0495, Bronwyn is the physio treating me and there is also a top-class biokineticist working in the practice, Nicolene (I have worked with her and she has treated me in the past so I can personally vouch for her) - they are based in Randpark Ridge, so close to home for me which is wonderful

  • Infinity Hair Salon - - Roxanne is an incredible hairstylist who worked with Morgan for many years; she is part of our extended family and my go-to-person for a wash and blowdry as she is again literally down the road from our house and while I cannot even attempt to either wash or dry my hair, she is my person for this task.

  • 7 Sins Hair Studio - - also on Instagram and Facebook - cannot not mention Morgan's amazing hair studio and business! 7Sins_ on Instagram - yes I am proudly very biased and have every right to be and these are after all my personal recommendations etc etc!

  • Alyssa McConnell Personal Trainer - find Alyssa @alyssa_mcconnell92 on "the Gram" for all your in-person and online personal coaching.

What have I been reading/are reading?

Finding Me - by Viola Davis her biography (kindly loaned to me by Zen)

What have I been watching on Netflix and other small screens?

  • Firefly Lane - I read the contemporary novel many years ago and recently finished watching season 2 of the series on Netflix

  • Funny Woman - an incredible British series based on Nick Hornby's book Funny Girl; "In the way that modern series about bygone eras often do, Funny Woman wages a gratifying, ahead-of-its-time war against sexism on all fronts." - it was just brilliant and I was sad when it ended

  • Vera - my favourite British detective is back with a new season

  • Call the Midwife - another British all-time favourite of mine; a really excellent series

  • The Apprentice UK - every week I cringe at the lack of logic, talent, business skills, knowledge of the contestants on this show and yet I return for more each week; and

  • Million Dollar Listing LA - where a house is on sale which has sparkling water on tap in the kitchen; my type of house indeed says me who if we have electricity that is a luxury commodity and experience!

What have I been listening to?

  • The Damage Report

  • Crime Stories with Nancy Grace - who is following and reporting in real time on the murder trial of a Southern lawyer who is charged with the murder of his wife and one of his sons; there are a number of interlocking stories of how he embezzled money from so many of his clients, other murder mysteries and experiences beyond anyone's wildest imagination and this last week there was a bomb threat at the courthouse - yip, you cannot make this stuff up!

  • Queen of the Con

  • Scamfluencers

  • Something was Wrong - more tales of people leading double lives, scams, fake identities and professions, abuse and so many examples of the sad state of the world and how depraved and disgusting some people are.

I was proud to reach my 600 day streak on Duolingo and beat my darling friend Peter Colyvas at the February challenge on Duolingo (first time for everything!) - a little bit of healthy harmless competition between us; he is learning Spanish and me Italiano and today I am on day 604 of my streak. I also continue to play Wordle every morning; love word puzzles.

In honour of Valentine's Day on Tuesday -

Till my next post, keep safe, take care and keep reaching for the moon because even if you fall short you will land amongst the stars.


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