What I have done?
Another funny old week; Tuesday was a national holiday (for Women's Day) so Johan and I both took a day’s leave on Monday so we had a lovely long weekend.
It was liberating to start the new week in a leisurely manner and I even managed to darken the doors of gym. I went and swam which I have not done for months; and managed to swim 20 lengths without sinking like a stone. I visited the local library and we also went to a huge booksale; I found a few books which I have secreted away for future presents.
I was introduced to apple, cranberry and cinnamon tea at Morgan’s house – it is available at Woolworths and it is so delicious
Tuesday was a gorgeous sunny and warm winter’s day; we attended a Cocaine-Anonymous rally in Northcliff. Tristan, who is almost 32 months clean and sober, was part of the convening committee along with Skye, his girlfriend. Cocaine-Anonymous, open to all addictions, is the 12 step fellowship programme Tristan and Skye are affiliated with (together with another addiction support fellowship groups). Co-Anon South Africa is for families and friends who have loved ones battling with the disease of addiction and it has been an integral part of my recovery journey following Tristan’s active addiction (more to follow on this topic). I enjoy being of service in Co-Anon and as Co-Anon were invited to the rally, Johan and I participated. It was a fun and festive ambience with powerful speakers, panel discussions, shares, quizzes, merchandise for sale, food and refreshments and a fun auction. Co-Anon had a meeting during the CA quiz; I amazed myself by feeling confident enough to go up to strangers successfully inviting them to join the Co-Anon meeting.
Work followed from Wednesday to Friday and it was intense as in reality you are doing the work of 5 days in 3 (Johan only worked Thursday and Friday; he spent Wednesday helping me with housework and being creative in gift wrapping – he is so talented in that respect and I wish I had taken photos of his end results).
Sa, our wonderful housekeeper goddess we are privileged to employ, has returned home to Zimbabwe to visit her family. A visit home is long overdue and we are so pleased she is safely there visiting her family including her Mother. Now we get to do the work she does for Johan and I (she also works for my Mom one day a week) which is very good for both of us.
This weekend I have attended a Co-Anon meeting, had celebratory cake and coffee with our great friend Ian who recently graduated with his BA Honours in Psychology. Johan did not join us as he stayed home dogsitting as Elmo and Jack got into a quite vicious squabble so we thought it prudent for him to stay at home – not much blood was lost in the squabble but enough for us to keep a vigilant eye. Ian is helping me with a project, all which will be revealed in due course and we had a chat about it and spent hours putting the world to rights.
True confession – we did not watch the rugby (South Africa v New Zealand) as we do not have a tv set and could not livestream it; I ended up doing some work as Monday is going to be disruptive so trying again to stay ahead of the disruptions, I did a couple of hours work.
Sunday morning was my time with my Mom – we had an enjoyable tea at a nursery in her neighbourhood before I took her to do some grocery shopping.
My Funny Old Week Highlights:
Nina's successful second operation on her back to remove cancerous tumours from her spine; and the news that her surgeons were very pleased with the success of her surgery.
After a long hiatus thanks to my dental surgery and loadshedding, I had an Italian lesson online with Giancarlo on Wednesday evening. I was so nervous feeling very rusty but it was an enjoyable lesson and I did not embarrass myself too much (I think)! Mamma Mia!
I got a new tooth ha ha ha; I got my adjusted bottom plate which does indeed have a new tooth added to the bottom plate so no longer do I have a “mind the gap” in the middle of my bottom mouth; what a relief!!
Friday night dinner with Skye, Tristan, Skye’s parents, sisters and one of her brothers – it was so awesome to meet more of Skye’s family and we enjoyed an evening of interesting, hilarious and entertaining conversation, delicious food, so much laughter and beautiful companionship. And Skye’s Mom and youngest sister were delighted with the Johan’s ingenious wrapping of their thank you gifts and the origami lilies he created.
Alyssa achieving 2nd and 1st placements in BBSA (Bodybuilding South Africa) IFBB Gauteng Central Provincial competition. We are so very proud of her and the incredible dedication, discipline and determination.
Spending time with both my sons and their lovely girlfriends – it is so heartwarming to see my children so settled, happy and thriving.
Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
The Damage Report
The Daily
Scam Fluencers
Fed Up
Dear Gabby
Empire of Pain The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe – I completed this brilliant masterpiece
Taste : My Life through Food by Stanley Tucci – its narrated by Stanley Tucci and is wonderful though honestly I think the copy of the book would be better since there are a number of recipes in the book so it would be handy to have the book to be able to review the recipes and try them out.
I just killed my Dad
My weekly Bubblegum TV:
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
The Real Housewives of Dubai
Below Deck Mediterranean
Southern Charm
What I am reading:
Italian Neighbours by Tim Park
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
My Weekly Soap Box Rant:
I was hysterical when I learnt that the FBI had raided Mar-o-Lago seizing boxes and boxes of highly classified and top secret documents which the Orange Trumpty Dumpty had removed from the White House (unauthorised I might add).
Of course his Republictards and all his sycophants who treat him like a Demigod are crying foul, defund the FBI, making comments that America is like a banana republic, oh the tyranny and fascisms of the USA – conveniently forgetting that one of the regulations/laws which Trumpty Dumpty has contravened is one HE passed into law in 2018.
It was NOT a good week for him as he also had to undergo a deposition in New York City and pleaded the 5th through the deposition invoking it 450 times. Once again, employing breathtaking hypocrisy and double standards. Lovely to have amnesia when it suits:
“Trump has had a lot to say about the Fifth Amendment in the past.
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
Another time, he said, “Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Horrible.”
(source: https://www.needtoimpeach.com/corruption/trump-fifth-amendment-michael-cohen/)
Of course, his cult are now threatening civil war and one guy did try to lay siege at FBI field office in Cincinnati. His actions, courtesy of his social media posts, were prompted by the FBI very legal and lawful search at Mar-o-Lago. He was eventually fatally shot. Once again, consequences of his actions.
It is frightening how many millions of Americans do treat Trump as a demigod, swallowing every lie which erupts out of his mouth and how many want America to be like it was 50 years or more ago. The prevalence of Nazi loving groups brandishing swatiskas and all Nazi regalia in the USA particularly in Florida is truly scary and they are encouraged by the Ron de Santis, the very right wing racist Governor of Florida. God help America – the supposed land of the free and home of the brave.
Rest in peace beautiful talented Olivia Newton-John who fought her battle with cancer for 30 years. Thank you for your beautiful music and the memories of the original Grease movie.
“This is one of the reasons I like to talk about it is because here I am 18 years later and I am talking about it and I was fearful of talking about it the first five years because a lot of women are until we get to that five-year marker, but all I can really say is, here I am and I am here so you can be,” Newton-John told EmpowHer in 2010, reflecting on her first battle with cancer. “You know, it’s like having that positive thought and believing that you can be. Of course, not everybody is as fortunate and I realize that and I am very grateful that I am, but that positive attitude does really help in how you go through the journey.”
Olivia Newton-John, https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/olivia-newton-johns-powerful-quotes-about-battling-cancer-life/its-all-about-positivity/

Beautiful flowers gifted to me by my lovely friend, Lindy