Clearly this week I did not manage to publish my weekly blog on Sunday which is the day I aim to do my weekly blog posts - at times life and loadshedding gets in the way of the best laid plans and intentions. I seem to constantly be paving my way to hell with good intentions as per the proverb.
We were planning on going to attend a tribute to Ennio Morricone this evening at Wits; the tickets were free and we thought it would be an incredible concert playing the late great Ennio Morricone's great hits. We were so looking forward to this but after realising it was to be more a lecture type event with snippets of his music played by 2 musicians we opted out; it was very disappointing but in hindsight it was the best decision. My gut was telling me not to go for some unknown reason - maybe since I was battling with allergies, sneezing up a storm, with a throbbing head and the thought of rush-hour loadshedding traffic trying to get to Wits on time was really stressful so instead I get to listen to his music and write this overdue blog post. My all-time favourite composition of Ennio Morricone is Gabriels Oboe from "The Mission"
I have been doing service both internationally and nationally for the addiction support group I belong to for families and friends of loved ones battling the disease of addiction - on Sunday evening I lead the meeting for the international meeting and last night I lead the national online meeting; and tomorrow evening I am participating in a quiz event at the offices of my work so (a) I have to go into the office and (b) its another evening commitment so this evening being at home (with electricity - bonus!) was the best option.
As we hurtle towards the festive season (Thanksgiving in the USA is tomorrow) I feel the work pressure is building at an intense pace as there is there is this frenzied panic to complete work; all for a few week's of relative calm before the madness starts afresh.
My motto often in life is "C'est la vie" meaning 'that's life' - my mug generously given to me as a Christmas present by Charlene is just on point!

The highlights of the week and a half :
Saturday, 19 November while Johan was doing a MasterChef in the bush competition with his work colleagues for their year end function, Lindy, Angie and her hubby, Johan and I ventured into the world of exploring Italian wines at Hyde Park Shopping Centre. "Vino In Piazza" was a fun way to while away some hours on Saturday.
Italy has over 200 varieties of wines and we tasted and met winemakers, brand ambassadors and representatives from the north of Italy down to the heel of Italy as well as from Sicily and Sardinia.
Only 10 000 varieties of wine are available globally and you could not buy wine at this event which was to showcase the wine and provide an opportunities for importers to meet experience the various delicious wines. We watched a cooking demonstration and got to sample some delicious risotto with duck (and I am not a fan of rice but this is Italian rice and risotto and it was as the Pasta Queen on Instagram says : "Ggggoooorgeous!" (Thanks Anika for the introduction to the Pasta Queen who is so entertaining and her recipes are divine)
We explored the pop-up eateries sampling divine italian cuisine. I had a couple of conversations with a very dappy Italian gent who was either from the Italian consulate or embassy (Davide or Dante?) and made a friend of Antonella Cartarutti from Cantarutti Alfieri

It was an amazing event networking and making connections - you never know we may end up on Antonella's doorstep for wine tasting and the wine estate has an agriturismo for guests to stay - the wine is not only mouthwatering but the websites and the photographs have me itching to pack my bags (c'mon lottery and powerball!)

Angie, yours truly and Lindy

It was an incredible experience and that is what life is all about - making experience.
From Italian wines and food to Christmas decor .....
For some years now we have not had a traditional Christmas tree per se favouring unique and different Christmas trees but a photo of my lovely friend Lyn's traditional Christmas trees festooned with gorgeous Christmas baubles and decor tempted me to opt for a traditional Christmas fake fur so Sunday Johan and I strolled around nearby Lifestyle Centre (the annual 94.7 cycle race creating road closures all over the city) looking at the vast display of Christmas trees, decorations ranging from hideous, kitsch, to traditional, tasteful and tempting. Some visual "shopping" and my eyes watering from the price tags, cured me of the temptation to have a faux Christmas tree - my 2 unique Christmas trees will be decorated beautifully and will have their traditional pride of place in our home very soon.

Have you ever seen Christmas trees mirroring each other? Now you have!
Morgan, Tristan and Alyssa attended "King of the Whip" at Montecasino on Saturday. Morgan had a pop-up barbering opportunity and a ring side seat of all the motorcycle mania antics and displays. Tristan got the opportunity to enjoy a seat in the Barber Throne and have his haircut too. They all had an incredible time - another one of those making memories and experiences!

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
The Damage Report
The Daily
Dear Gabby
Cover Story
Murders in Magnolia
Hillsong : A Megachurch Shattered
The Confession
The James Brown Mystery
Down the Hill : The Delphi Murders
Devil Town
Unsolved Mysteries
My weekly Bubblegum TV:
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Below Deck
The Amazing Race
The Calling (different and brilliant USA cop series)
On the case with Paula Zahn
I am currently reading "The Lost Girl" by Carol Drinkwater - it is gripping!
In closing, as the USA prepares for Thanksgiving and the western part of upstate New York recover from a huge snowstorm (40 feet of snow in less than 24 hours; so much snow that the roof of a bowling alley caved in due to the weight of the snow); yet another senseless hate-filled rage fuelled shooting took place at LBQT club in Colorado Springs at the weekend. Tragic fatalities caused by a gun-toting 22 year old!!! Another white male youngster embarking on a shooting spree - the politicians, right-wing loving podcasters, YouTube evangelists all should be held accountable for these hate filled and fuelled murders. The Colorado Springs shooter is the 22 year old grandson of a MAGA loving Republic - surprise surprise. It makes my blood boil and as for the "disgruntled employee" who walked into a Walmart and killed innocent others before killing himself, in my opinion why do you have to shoot innocent people before taking your own life? It is all too tragically heartbreaking.
That's all for now - stay safe, take care and know you are all valued and valuable.
