Wednesday, 18 December 2019
International Migrants Day which meant free entrance to the Colosseum and the lines were not long at all; perfect time to visit this incredible historical iconic monument

A statue of the Canaanite god Moloch on display at the entrance Colossuem (also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre)

The Arch of Constantine is adjacent to the Colosseum, and is a triumphal art dedicated to the emperor Constantine the Great.

On Wednesday evening we headed to Vallei Aurelia; one metro stop away from our “local” metro stop, Cipro. From the metro stop at Vallei Aurelia it was a short walk to the Aura Shopping Mall (shopping malls are a rarity in Rome) – we enjoyed window shopping, shared a bite to eat for supper and discovered the cheapest supermarket, Pam

Aura Shopping Centre all lit up for Buon Natale!
